Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Really Getting Started...

Pizzafolio Night was tonight. As usual I got there early and scored a seat. I was prepared this semester, my prints on individual mats and not in a flip book, some prototypes, business cards and take-aways. Got to chat to other Illustration majors, briefly met some nice ADV majors, did not eat the pizza. It was nice to see of my old friends there who I haven't been able to see in a while, we're all very busy, our own projects we're working on.

I used my recently accquired Book Arts I skills to create my pop-out take-aways - they were a big hit! This image was the inside of my take-away.

Lately I've been drawing small cartoony animals, snails, bees etc. I think I'd like to do a mixed pack of stationary design with them all together. So that's an idea that's on the back burner for now.

Coming up I'll be working on a celebrity portrait of Miss Piggy and expand my "fluer de lis Collection." The collection's first item is almost complete, the gift bag and tag are done, now I need to finalize the decisions of tissue paper, grommets and handle rope/ribbon. Then for the next items, I'll be formatting it to a notecard and envelope, and then stationary sheets.

Well, lots to be done, I'll be putting up more of my portfolio images soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blog Kick-off Post!

First off, welcome to my blog!

My name is Elisa Naomi Ferris, at the time of this post I am a student at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA, and I am in my final semester, going for my Bachelor's in Illustration. My classes for this last semester are Digital Portfolio Development, Honors Portfolio, and Book Arts I.

This first post is partially an introduction, and partially a reminder of things that I am doing, and things that need to be done. As I sit at my desk typing, I am multi-tasking, other windows are open on my computer screen - including my first due project of the semester - a gift bag design for my Digital Portfolio class. Throughout the rest of the semester I will expand on the design in order to create a complete collection based on my theme.

In the next week I plan to begin uploading images into a gallery here, but it will be minimal at first. I recently designed a new business card for myself, those I need to get printed up, and begin constructing my leave-behinds for Pizzafolio night, which comes up on the 17th of this month.

Well, there's a lot of work to do, so I better get started! Please come by to check on me again~
